Side Post (178) JP

How To Clean Your Garden Parasol
Cleaning your garden parasol seems like a simple task but it’s important to do it right so you can prolong the life. When your parasol is open it is exposed to the elements, bird droppings & more. Over time your canopy will begin to look dirty and may even have the occasional stain.

How To Stop A Cantilever Parasol From Falling Over
Cantilever parasols can be the finishing touch to a garden. So it’s important to know how to use them safely. A parasol can transform your garden they’re perfect for protecting you from the sun. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of choosing the correct parasol base and the features of your parasol that help it stay upright.

How To Weigh Down A Cantilever Parasol
How to weigh down a cantilever parasol is an important topic. If you're thinking about buying a cantilever parasol, we're keen to share our advice on keeping it secure. After all, we know a thing or two about parasols! Read our advice on how to weigh down a cantilever umbrella.